Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blues Guitar Tabs: Acoustic Performances You Should Learn

When you're studying the guitar, it consists of a series of practice lessons, which are fine in isolation. You'll be learning guitar chords and playing parts of songs, but sometimes you may want to simply learn a complete song. This article looks at a method to follow when learning how to play a song from beginning to end - and to make it sound great, not just OK.

Joseph Albers
Willem De Kooning
Calvin Coolidge
Helen Frankenthaler
Thurgood Marshall

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Twitter backgrounds, a good marketing strategy

default computer wallpaper is a little boring. To scream at the computer screen of fun and excitement, you can use different cute backgrounds themes, patterns, diagrams and designs . Different backgrounds different computer designs can spice up your plain computer screen. Twitter account is a good marketing strategy for your business or services. As the [...]

Lil Kim
Russell Simmons
Fernando Botero
Cesar Chavez

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Coupons Online Dunkin Donuts

Coupons online Dunkin Donuts and free Dunkin Donuts coupons are offered by Dunkin Donuts which is the largest baked goods and coffee chain in the world since 1950. Apart from that, Dunkin Donuts provides their loyal customers with baked goods, coffee, donuts, and bagels of high quality. However, they are immensely popular around the world [...]

Piet Mondrian
Breaking information
John Walsh
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Willem De Kooning

Monday, June 27, 2011

Rap Music: Then and Now

Drumming is a very fun, tough and rewarding instrument to play. It may be a bit underrated compared to the guitar, but the drum is the backbone of every musical genre. It sets the beat and lays the foundation for really great melodies to take place. If you are interested in buying a drum set, consider one of these top brand name companies.

Laurie Fields
internet facts
Emily Dickinson
hearsay that counts
Jurgen Schmitz

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Whitney Houston in Rehab Again – But Why?

Vocal genius Whitney Houston is back in rehab, but at the moment no one seems to be clear on what is afflicting her. Stories about the new stint are fogging up the web with confusion. Allow me to clear it up. Poor Whitney. She has had a really rocky time in the last several years. Fans watched as she degraded from the greatest singer alive to a drug addicted domestic violence victim. It was hard to believe that things could turn South so quickly for her, especially after all of her success. Now, nearly two years after her lukewarm comeback, she has voluntarily checked into a rehabilitation program. At first, multiple outlets were unable to confirm exactly why she was in rehab again, but her rep finally cleared it up, saying it was for drugs and alcohol. TMZ has the latest on the story. While you’re here, check out some other hot links: Celebuzz has photos showing Justin Bieber snogging with Selena Gomez. Too Fab has a nice gallery of the crazy hats donned by celebrities at the Kentuck Derby. PopEater updates us on how the original Karate Kid is doing on DWTS – ‘focus Danielson.’ I Need My Fix [...]

James Monroe
Breaking news flash
Hillary Duff
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Rutherford Hayes

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dakota Fanning: Homecoming Queen For Second Time!

Now this is what I like to see! Meet this year’s Campbell Hall Episcopal High School’s Homecoming Queen: Dakota Fanning. And this is not her first time taking the crown! Keep reading for the full story, with more photos and pictures below.

The “Twilight” actress has tried to have a normal high school career, and seems [...]

Wassily Kandinsky
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Charles Lindbergh
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Gustav Klimt

Friday, June 24, 2011

Celebrity Couple of the Week: Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon

Our Celebrity Couple of the Week are none other than Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon! The two were talked about quite a bit this week, as dem babies came into the world last Saturday, on the same day they celebrated their wedding anniversary. Then, we waited patiently for the announcement revealing their twins’ names, which was finally announced on May 4th. What a whirlwind week it’s been for both! Here’s a little history lesson on this celebrity couple… They first met when he made a cameo appearance in her video, ‘Bye, Bye’, in early 2008. They wed on April 30th, 2008 at her estate in the Bahamas and news of their nuptials was a surprise to many, as they reportedly had only been dating for two months. Rumors and speculation abound that their wedding was simply a publicity stunt, but we all know now that was not the case. It was revealed later that Mariah had miscarried shortly after she and Nick wed. It was widely known how much Mariah wanted to have children. Finally, in October of 2010, after several months of rumors circulating, it was confirmed that she was indeed pregnant and the two were expecting in the [...]

Madam Walker
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Emile Nolde
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Charlie Chaplin

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Multi Effects Pedal Bag

Music is widely known all over the world. For some, this is their form of positive reinforcement while others make this as their way of earning money. The good news is music has also been developing throughout the years. From the regular analog music, they now come in compressed forms like digital music.

Chester Arthur
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Christopher Columbus
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John Adams

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Top 5 Noteworthy Rap Beats of All Time

Ask a lover of rockabilly piano to think about great rockabilly piano players, names like Jerry Lee Lewis, Charlie Rich, and Big Al Downing probably spring to mind. But there's another player who flirted with, but never really found success. Yet his influence on rockabilly and rock and roll remains undiminished by his obscurity: Roy Hall.

Mark Rothko
Yves Klein
produits cosmetiques bio

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How The Internet Is Changing The Way We Buy Concert Tickets

Many parents often wonder about when is the right age for their children to start taking guitar lessons. Unlike with other musical instruments, such as the piano, flute or violin, the guitar is a bigger instrument and so you need to take this into account. Most schools tend to have guitar lessons for children once they have reached the age of 7 or thereabouts.

Information as it occurs
William Howard Taft
Breaking news flash
Oskar Kokoschka

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Influences of Colonial Europeans on the Music of the Black African Slaves of the Americas

When it comes to the South as a whole, there are many different dimensions and regions to consider. Especially when you're talking about rap music. Most rap fans know very little about the rap groups from the south, outside of Outkast. So let's take a look into the eyes of the South and see what's cooking. In no particular order, these are my picks for the best southern rap groups of all time.

Left Eye Lisa
ezine articles
Claude Monet
The world of information

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Dog Days of Spring in Nova Scotia

No other artists have been so closely identified with each other as Paul Gauguin and Vincent Van Gogh. Their often volatile relationship has been dramatized in both books and Hollywood movies, marked by Vincent's cutting off his ear, an incident that seems to be universally know, whatever your background in art. However, they always remained friends, until Van Gogh's death by suicide, bonded by their love of art and Vincent's memorable sunflowers that haunted Gauguin for the rest of his life.

Robert Rauschenberg
ezine articles
Philip Taaffe
internet facts
Frida Kahlo

Friday, June 17, 2011

Home Karaoke Some Technical Terms You Should Get To Know

James Taylor was born 12 March 1948 in Boston, Massachusetts, the second of five children, to a father who practiced medicine and a mother who trained as an opera singer. Taylor was to become one of the biggest stars to emerge from the late 60s / early 70s folk-rock phenomenon, a more soulful practitioner than such earthier, troubadour predecessors as Woody Guthrie or Bob Dylan.

Michael Heizer
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Maxfield Parrish
Information as it occurs
Raoul Dufy

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Coupons Online Dunkin Donuts

Coupons online Dunkin Donuts and free Dunkin Donuts coupons are offered by Dunkin Donuts which is the largest baked goods and coffee chain in the world since 1950. Apart from that, Dunkin Donuts provides their loyal customers with baked goods, coffee, donuts, and bagels of high quality. However, they are immensely popular around the world [...]

Andy Warhol
Wedding toast
John Waterhouse
soutien scolaire
Auguste Rodin

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Essence Music Festival Lineup

Some artists spend years trying to break into the hip hop industry without ever getting their chance, and others are lucky enough to get their music into the right hands. Young Jeezy mixtapes were lucky enough to be found by the right people to start off a successful career in rap. Without them, Young Jeezy may never have gotten the break he needed to become one of the biggest stars in the industry.

Crispy information
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interesting articles

Monday, June 13, 2011

Something Challenging: Learning the Violin

Do you feel that your career in Voice Over Recording will benefit from having the right equipment? You might benefit from having your own recording studio at home so that you can do your work at your own schedule and without depending on anyone else. You need to be able to select your Voice Over (VO) equipment well so that you can get the best work out of it.

Emile Nolde
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Andy Warhol
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Voice Over Recording Get All the Correct Equipment to Do It Well

The Les Paul guitar has been synonymous with music for so long, that most people don't even realize that it is named after a man. His name is Lester Polfus, and he was once the world's most famous musician who played the guitar. He was responsible for bringing the concept of an electric guitar with a solid body to the attention of the Gibson guitar company back in the 50s. At first, Gibson opted to reject the idea, but after some wise thinking, brought Lester in to help with designing what is now a musical masterpiece.

Joseph Turner
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Charles Lindbergh
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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Katy Perry, The Magnificent!

Feast your eyes on this m-m-magic!
Little by little, we're catching onto some of the funsies Katy Perry has in store for us on her Teenage Dream tour. We knew she was talented, but we had no idea she was a magician!!!!
Check her out as she performs Hot N' Cold with a bit of magic on [...]

Tomorrow is the big day! Our favorite Glee underdogs are heading to Regionals and judging from the music we've already heard, it sounds like we're in for a totally awesome episode!

So, let's get a sense of what we are in for, shall we?!

Check out this first look from tomorrow's brand new episode, called Original Song! (above)

Watch yourself, Rachel Berry! That blonde looks like she's scheming!!!

Vincent Van Gogh
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Franklin Roosevelt
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Bill Gates

Friday, June 10, 2011

Exclusive! Chris Klein Gets Hired On New FX Show, Wilfred!

Take that, Katie Holmes!
Get ready for the Chris Klein comeback.
Sources reveal exclusively to that Chris has just signed on for a guest-spot on the new FX comedy, Wilfred, premiering this June.
A pal of Chris' says that he has been working diligently to get clean since his DUI arrest last summer and is now looking [...]

Eeek! Here we go again!

CLICK HERE to see some very very NSFW photos of Vanessa Hudgens!!!!

CLICK HERE to see some very very NSFW photos of Vanessa Hudgens!!!!

CLICK HERE to see some very very NSFW photos of Vanessa Hudgens!!!!

P.S. Yes, this is the THIRD time in as many years that Vanessa Hudgens nude photos have hit the Internet!

Some people never learn!

Information as it occurs
Ashlee Simpson
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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cable News Viewership Goes Down…WAY DOWN

Guess people are getting their news on elsewhere. Ha!
A new study indicates that viewership for CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News dropped "13.7 percent in aggregate for a sharper decline than any other sector." Ouch!
In primetime, median viewership was down 16 percent, which is an average decline of 3.2 million viewers! Daytime viewership was down [...]

Edouard Manet
Hot newscast for you
Helen Frankenthaler
Inspiring news flash
Oskar Schlemmer

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Get Advice On Buying A Yamaha Musical Keyboard And Its Features

Human brains in particular seem to have a highly developed and flexible pattern recognition capability. This aspect of our intelligence has allowed us to adapt in many different climates and conditions, make the best use of available shelter and resources, and to build language and culture to communicate to each other and succeeding generations.

Charles Mackintosh
ezine articles
Red Grooms
ezine articles
Andy Warhol

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Arts and Entertainment:Music from

The moment good music is made, it brings great delight to the people who listen to it. To the producer, it may just be passion but when it comes to the listener, its delight to enjoy a complete work of art that has been made. Some people will listen to a song hundreds of times over and over, enjoying each instance of it just as they liked it the first time around.

Willem De Kooning
Breaking news flash
Oskar Kokoschka
ezine articles
Ronald Regan

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Look At The History of Hip Hop

Mixtapes are compilations of songs and in the hip-hop world, and they developed from a technique to enjoy club music to an advertising tool. At first, DJs made money by recording their gigs, which served as a predecessor to rap albums. Had these been catalogued as rap records, artists like Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five would have gone platinum. Today, hip-hop artists use these cd's to generate hype for their music. Let's look back to find out how the genre reached this point.

Bessie Coleman
hearsay that counts
George Bush Sr
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Mark Twain

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Anything You Ever Wanted To Know About Mixtapes

Complete karaoke systems are in abundance and mushrooming in every market. With so many features, models, and styles, the challenge for those people who have little knowledge in karaoke systems is how to choose the best that offers complete packages. That is why with all your freedom to choose from a wide array of karaoke systems, do not settle for less.

Friedel Dzubas
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Woodrow Wilson
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Zachary Taylor

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Beginner Saxophone FAQs

On your search for music download programs, make sure that the ones you want are easy to download and use. Many websites advertise easy-to-use systems, but once you have downloaded them, you find that they're just the opposite. When you are trying to create your own beats and music, the last thing you want is a hard-to-use music software download.

Alexander Calder
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Robert Motherwell
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Alicia Keys

Friday, June 3, 2011

Amanda Bynes Tweets Photos Of Her New Wig Bra

Remember last June when Amanda Byes retired from acting only to unretire about a month later? Yeah, well, she’s so over all of that nonsense … now she’s into posting scantily-clad photos of herself on her official Twitter profile (which she has quit and then rejoined at least once). Apparently, Amanda “loooooove”s posting Twitpics of [...]

Ulysses Grant
Breaking news flash
Jackson Pollock
Breaking information
Coretta Scott King

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Does Monica Lewinsky Still Love Bill Clinton?

But even after he ruined her dress?! Ha!
We kid, we kid!
The National Enquirer is reporting that despite the affair almost ruining both their careers 15 years ago, former White House intern Monica Lewinsky is STILL in love with former President Bill Clinton!
A source explains:
"Monica still hasn̢۪t got over Bill and would take him back [...]

Jasper Johns
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Claude Monet
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Edgar Degas

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Arts and Entertainment from

Most people nowadays have their own celebrity idol - someone they adore and look up to, not just because of their personal appearance, but usually it is also because of the reputation that they have built and shown everyone in the showbiz industry. Adoring someone and looking up to them is something that is unavoidable. Sometimes, you may want to know more about that particular showbiz personality, singer or artist and finding some ways on how you can read their bio or "biography.

Frank Wright
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Romare Bearden
The world of information
Faith Ringgold